Principal's Update - 2nd February 2022
Learning Packs
Our school community is deeply committed to providing learning continuity to ensure each child has the best possible learning experience in 2022. With the school being alerted by families of their needs to isolate, we have made a contingency plan to send home ‘Learning Packs’ tomorrow with each child to use if a family member or student contracts COVID and is required to isolate.
Each year level community will send home a pack consisting of a matrix of suggested activities, along with some games or writing booklets/paper. Completion is non-compulsory, especially if your child is unwell.
These are only to be used if your child is required to isolate.
Each year level will send this information out via Seesaw to ensure students who may be affected now, can access these learning materials digitally.
Bambi Afford & Shaun Mohr